Save the Dream
Save the Dream
Save the Dream has been conceived by the International Centre for Sport Security, in partnership with the Qatar Olympic Committee and Ooredoo, technology partner, to promote and protect the core values of sport for young people at a global level.
By their own definition Save the Dream is a global nonprofit movement of organizations, people and athletes who believe in the power of sport to build more fair and inclusive societies. They are therefore committed to promote and protect its core values for the good of youth and future generations.

Save the dream´s goals
Their goal is creating a world in which every child and young person can practice sport, safely, and learn from its values in terms of integrity, respect, and inclusion. They are trying to implement and promotes activities to empower youth through safe access to sport and to its educational and social values. Most of all, they are trying to provide facilitate access to sport regardless socio-economic condition, race, physical abilities and gender considerations, protect children from mistreatments happening in sport, foster inter-cultural dialogue and mutual understanding through sport and Develop skills, instill ethics and promote social innovation. Their core values are integrity, respect, and inclusion. When we organized “Katowice World Cup” event for foreigners we acted with their own values. We wanted to use the connective side of sports by bringing all cultures together to learn from one another and grow together.
Since its launch in 2012, Save the Dream has gained overwhelming endorsements and support for its cause. They had built a strong coalition comprising sport persons, elite athletes, international bodies, sport and civil society organizations and many other entities who share their vision. They are supported by many famous athletes, like Alessandro Del Piero, Penny Heyns, Fernando Hierro. Save the dream organization is in collaboration with ESAA, of which we are a partner.
“…creating an opportunity for debate, exchange and inspiration on how to break down walls through peaceful means such as sport…”
In 2019, on the 6th of April – The International Day on Sport for Peace and Development – “Save the Dream” created an event in Berlin with the presence and support of the United Nations Alliance of Civilization (UNAOC) and the International Olympic Truce Center (IOTC).
Eighty youth leaders from all around the world represented the positive message of unity within society whit a special focus on the power of sport with the aim to empower people across nations, regardless of faith and socio-economic conditions.
The focus was on the sharing and developing ideas on the use of sport as a tool for the inter-cultural dialogue, peace, and reconciliation.
Berlin is a symbol-city since 2019 also represented the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989- 2019).
The Forum was hosted by Der Diwan – Arab Culture House in Berlin, Germany, on the 6th and 7th of April 2019 under the patronage of H.E. Sheikh Saoud Bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Ambassador of the State of Qatar in Germany and with the support of Qatar Airways.
“The 6th of April, ‘International Day on Sport for Development and Peace’, is indeed a very important day for those, like us, who work every single day of the year, to promote and protect the core values of sport.
We believe that today’s Forum in Berlin is just as important, as we look to you as “Agents of Change” – young leaders who can promote, through sport, a new way of thinking, one grounded in the values of integrity, respect, and inclusion. As an organization, we do not aim to be, nor can we be, everywhere ourselves, but as a global movement, we can reach any part of this planet by providing skilled and passionate people, just like you, by giving you the additional tools to build a more inclusive and fair society – all through the power of sport and its positive values”.
Mohammed Hanzab, Chairman of the ICSS and Founder of Save the Dream.
Save the Dream is also co-participating to many initiatives together with garagErasmus that has been inspired by Save the Dream ideals and activities.
One of these is “EYVOL project”: a 2-year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ program which focus is connected to the implementation of educational and innovative methods based on sport for leaders and volunteers who want to deal with this challenge.
If you want to learn more, you can check their websites: