Are you looking for ways to help your community? See what volunteering opportunities you can find in Katowice!

Bona Fides
“We are a public benefit organization that has been actively building and supporting groups of residents and local activists for 15 years, teaches local government officials how to conduct an open and effective dialogue with residents and non-governmental organizations, and enables young people to gain new experience through volunteering.”

Fundacja Futprints
“We are an organization established at the end of 2015 on the initiative of Andrew Lisgarten. The Futprints Foundation supports the inhabitants of the city and local cities, and focuses primarily on helping people at risk of social exclusion.”

Fundacja Spina
“The foundation was established out of commitment and care for children who have a great chance of full integration into society. A chance for joy and success. Their start in life is more difficult than that of their healthy colleagues. Healthy functioning requires the cooperation of specialists in various fields and the great commitment of parents who help with these initiatives.”

Fundacja Dla Ludzi Potrzebujących Pomocy "Gniazdo"
“We are deeply convinced that the city of Katowice can and will develop thanks to people who believe in themselves, are educated, work, have real skills, thanks to which they are ready to live independently in accordance with social standards. Therefore, everything we do is guided by the idea: Everyone has the potential to do great things. We believe that in children who reach us this potential is – even if it is covered by difficult experiences and luggage taken from home.”

Food Not Bombs
“Food Not Bombs is not an organization, but a grassroots initiative of people who want to act for their society. In Poland, activists regularly distribute warm vegetable meals to anyone who wants to. The actions take place, among others, in Gdańsk, Gdynia, Szczecin, Olsztyn, Warsaw, Łódź, Kraków, Poznań, Toruń, Lublin, Białystok, Gliwice, Wrocław and Bielsko-Biała.”

Zupa w Kato
“We cook for others, we exist for others. We meet every Thursday at the Wysoki Zamek Club (Gliwcka 96a), we invite you from 4.30 pm. After cooking, we help and share the soup at Plac Przyjaciół z Miszkolec at ul. Sokolska.”

Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu w Katowicach
“The Regional Volunteer Center in Katowice is a non-profit association. Our goal is to develop volunteering in the Silesian Voivodeship. We strive to ensure that there are more and more volunteers in our region, and that organizations and institutions are best prepared to cooperate with volunteers.”